Transforming your business with creative content that will WOW your audience

WOW Content Creation is an Expert Virtual Assistance service for coaches, trainers, speakers, influencers, health and wellness providers, and other health-minded entrepreneurs who have a powerful message to share but need help putting it together. 

Transforming your business with creative content that will WOW your audience

WOW Content Creation is an Expert Virtual Assistance service for coaches, trainers, speakers, influencers, health and wellness providers, and other health-minded entrepreneurs who have a powerful message to share but need help putting it together. 

Words of Wellness…

You spend a lot of time sharing the gift of health with your clients, patients, and audiences.  But do you have enough time for your self-care?  You know your time is valuable, and you can’t pour from an empty cup.  You need to free-up time to fill your own cup, so you can continue to serve others well.


Words of Wisdom…

You inspire and educate others to live their best life.  You help develop a healthy mindset in others so they can achieve their personal goals and dreams.  You know you should be spending time on building meaningful relationships and encouraging your clients, patients, and audiences.  You know you need to write your blog posts, newsletters, emails, social media posts, and promotional materials, but it is overwhelming, and you don’t have time to do it all yourself.

Words of Wealth…

You know that time equals money, but it’s also essential to spend time with your family, pursuing your dreams and passions.  Your business takes a lot of your precious time, and you have a lot of people counting on you.  You know it would be a valuable asset to your business if you had a skilled writer on your side, taking the writing off of your hands, so you can focus on what you do best.  

If this sounds familiar, you have come to the right place!  I understand that creating content for your business takes time and creativity, and not everyone enjoys the creative writing process. 

That’s where I come in!

Meet the owner of WOW Content Creation

Hi, there!  I’m Melissa! 

I am a Virtual Expert® and fellow health-minded entrepreneur who also loves to write!  I partner with coaches, health & wellness professionals, influencers, speakers, authors, and entrepreneurs by creating content for your website, blog, newsletter, and promotional materials. 

With my strong Medical Terminology and health & wellness career background, I can relate to my clients and understand their language, writing as if I am the client (also known as ghostwriting).  I do the writing for those who don’t like to write (or just don’t have the time to do it), allowing them to spend more time doing what they love!

“I am getting more traffic to my website and social media by having consistent content published every week.”

“I was struggling to get my blog posts written and published on a consistent basis every week. I brought Melissa on my team as my blog writer over a year ago, and her work is top-notch! I love that she can capture my “voice” and write to my specific audience in a way that captures and holds their attention without extra “fluff” while conveying my message.

It also helps that she is able to SEO the blog posts and load them to my website and publish them for me! This has taken a huge time-suck off my plate! I am getting more traffic to my website and social media by having consistent content published every week. 

Melissa is fantastic at communicating with her clients. She is always willing to make any edits when requested and writing suggestions when necessary. I have also added on a monthly newsletter for which Melissa assists with writing the copy. I recommend Melissa frequently when colleagues express the need for a writer!”

“I no longer need to find the time to do it. I can take that extra time and make my contacts to grow my business.”

“I used to struggle each week to find time to write my blog and get it posted. Now, Melissa is able to write it for me, and she has done a great job with it.

Since Melissa has been writing my blogs, I no longer need to find the time to do it. I can take that extra time and make my contacts to grow my business. I value that Melissa is conscious of what she writes and wants it to be factual. I love that she is confident in what she writes and doesn’t hesitate to take on new subjects and do the research needed.

I would recommend Melissa to others because I believe she is great at what she does. If you don’t have time or don’t want to write your blogs, then Melissa is the one to hire. She listens to your voice and does her research to give you the best product possible.”

Ready to transform your business with creative content that will WOW your audience?

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